Event Details
Since it began its scientific mission in July 2022, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has provided the first detailed glimpses of the most distant reaches of the observable universe, when the first galaxies were emerging more than 13 billion years ago. History suggests that opening new observational windows leads to entirely unanticipated discoveries, and JWST has already begun to fulfill that promise. In this lecture, Steidel will explore what enables the unprecedented power of JWST for studying galaxy formation in its infancy and what we can expect to learn from JWST images and spectra over the next several years.
- Wednesday — February 08, 2023
7:30PM - 8:30PM - Caltech's Beckman Auditorium
332 S Michigan Ave
Pasadena, CA 91106
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Scientists, engineers, and—above all—innovative thinkers, Caltech scholars thrive in an environment of intellectual creativity and freedom. Our faculty, alumni, and trustees have been recognized with top national and international honors and the world's most prestigious prizes for their bold scientific explorations and inspired collaborations.