Event Details
Our October meetup will include a visit with Fred Kaplan of Arburg Additive (www.arburg.com/us/products-and-services/additive-manufacturing/). Arburg has manufactured systems for plastics processing for over 65 years. Their new 3D printer, the APF (Arburg Plastic Freeforming) can print with open-source thermoplastics pellets in over 100,000 materials. These range from high-temperature Ultems and FDA-approved human-implantables, to a multitude of polypropylenes, TPUs, TPEs and more. Fred will tell us a bit about the machine, and then we'll have open discussion. After that, as always we'll have our usual time for chatting, interacting and sharing projects.
To get the link you will need to register. We will close registration and send out the Zoom link to people who RSVP for the event a few hours ahead of time. This is a shared event with 3D Printing LA; please RSVP on one group or the other, but not both.
- Wednesday — October 27, 2021
7:00PM - 8:00PM - Virtual
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The Organizer
Pasadena 3D Printing Meetup
Pasadena 3D Printing Meetup is designed to let people of all abilities mingle, chat, and compare notes on 3D printing.