Event Details
We are continuing to be virtual this month with a joint meetup with Write the Docs LA, the local Write the Docs chapter of technical documentarians. Our meetups are discussion-focused and everyone is welcome to share their ideas.
We are going to have a discussion of project documentation for Sawppy (https://github.com/Roger-random/Sawppy_Rover/tree/master/docs), which will be broadly applicable to other open source hardware projects.
We are *especially* on the lookout for hardware-focused documentarians to join the discussion and provide their insights!
- Thursday — October 08, 2020
7:00PM - 9:00PM - Virtual
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The Organizer
San Gabriel Valley Tech
San Gabriel Valley Tech People (SGVTech) is an umbrella group encompassing the multifaceted interests of the members of the San Gabriel Valley Linux User's Group (SGVLUG), one of the oldest and most active Linux User Groups in the Greater Los Angeles area.