Event Details
This April Infosec Syndicate is proud to host its 5th year anniversary. It's been 5 years since we first opened our doors to the public. This month marks the starting of our 6th year. We wanted to make this a bit extra special so we decided to host this on a Saturday night. Normally we would go out and celebrate with a big party but due to regulations with covid we won't be doing that this year. Our 4th year wasn't the greatest either since we were in a period of national emergency. So it's time to change that up and have a bit of fun.
Our discussion this month will focus on how we started in the IT industry. A game night will follow this month's meeting. Our game of choice will be Among Us. So if you don't have it on your pc you can download it for free on your mobile app store. The meeting will take place on our discord server. If you haven't joined yet feel free to do so.
We'll see you on April 24th @ 7pm.
- Saturday — April 24, 2021
7:00PM - 11:00PM - Virtual
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The Organizer
San Gabriel Valley Tech
San Gabriel Valley Tech People (SGVTech) is an umbrella group encompassing the multifaceted interests of the members of the San Gabriel Valley Linux User's Group (SGVLUG), one of the oldest and most active Linux User Groups in the Greater Los Angeles area.