Event Details
Have you ever had to defend your design process to clients or business? Have you ever struggled with leveraging better design practices into your offerings to better improve your position in the market? Having trouble convincing your stakeholders that Design is an asset to your business?
In this workshop, we'll give you an introduction to business frameworks in general and the design thinking process. You will learn about how this often misunderstood methodology called Design Thinking can be put to work for you. By applying innovative problem-solving processes like Design Thinking, you gain a better chance of being sustainable and differentiate your value offered in the marketplace by generating some very useful ideas through this very powerful process.
We'll discuss how design thinking is an important asset in business and how to foster communications between management and design thinkers. If you ever had the question on how you can leverage innovation into your business, this is an important workshop for you.
- Monday — October 11, 2021
6:00PM - 7:30PM - Virtual
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Innovate Pasadena DesignX
Innovate Pasadena: Design X is on design-focused topics.